Facilitating Peer Consultancy Groups
of the best ways for anyone to deepen and enrich their knowledge and expertise
is to share best practices, resources and answers with others in similar
situations. In our Action Learning peer consultancy groups, independent
consultants or leaders and managers from different companies use those methods
to deepen and enrich the knowledge, skills and abilities needed in their
personal and professional roles. Members are peers in that they come together
as equals to support the development and progress of each member.
One of the most frequent complaints of practitioners, leaders and managers is feelings of isolation and loneliness. Action Learning has proven to be a highly accessible means for individuals to form close and confidential networks in which group members can count on each other. In their networks, their share advice, materials, best practices, support and accountabilities -- to address current priorities and to learn at the same time.
Action Learning is also a powerful approach to addressing burnout and to restoring motivation. In their Action Learning groups, members not only share understanding and support, but thoughtful questions to help each other dig deep to understand their current situations and what they can realistically do about them. They share accountabilities to take useful actions – and learn at the same time.
Join one of our professionally facilitated Action Learning groups for your personal and professional development. Observe the powerful Action Learning process in action – and learn at the same time.
" The depth and breadth of involvement provide a rich resource base. I know of no other forum that provides this kind of cross-pollination."
— Abby Struck, Executive Director, St. Anthony Park Community Council, St. Anthony Park, Minnesota